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Human Resources Management
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Human resources zijn het hart van een organisatie. HR verenigt elk onderdeel van een organisatie en is verantwoordelijk voor meer dan alleen talentmanagement, het werven van gekwalificeerde medewerkers, inwerken en prestatiebeheer. In dit ontwikkelpad leer je meer over de vaardigheden en competenties die vereist zijn voor een Human Resources Consultant.

Wanneer je dit ontwikkelpad kiest, krijg je:

  • toegang tot vijf essentiĆ«le trainingen voor de Human Resources Consultant. Daarnaast krijg je toegang tot nog veel meer trainingen.
  • begeleiding van ons Learning & Development team, samen met jou stellen we doelen, maken we een planning en monitoren we je voortgang

Dit ontwikkelpad is verdeeld in vijf delen, waarvan elk deel focust op een specifiek onderdeel van het werk van de Human Resources Consultant.

Deel 1: Human Resources

Deze training behandelt externe factoren die bedrijfssucces beĆÆnvloeden, meetmethoden voor effectiviteit, organisatieontwerp en herstructurering, human resources, organisatorische risico's en gegevenstoegang. Ook worden strategieĆ«n besproken om risico's te verminderen.

Deel 2: Werving & Selectie

Deze training leert je talentwerving en -beheer, inclusief sollicitatiegesprekken, toptalent aantrekken, cv-screening, inwerkprogramma's en beloningen. Je krijgt de kennis om strategische wervingsbeslissingen te nemen, een sterk werkgeversmerk te creƫren en talentpijplijnen te optimaliseren.

Deel 3: Onboarding, Betrokkenheid en Talentmanagement

Deze training brengt je essentiƫle kennis bij omtrent talentmanagement, medewerkersbetrokkenheid, inwerken en HR-methodologieƫn. Leer toptalent aantrekken, effectieve inwerkprogramma's implementeren en medewerkersbetrokkenheid bevorderen. Ontdek strategieƫn om talentbehoeften te voorspellen en succes te stimuleren via structurele veranderingen.

Deel 4: Diversiteit & Inclusie

Deze training bevordert een inclusieve cultuur, elimineert vooroordelen en stimuleert diversiteit. Leer impliciete vooroordelen herkennen, microgedragingen aanpakken en actie ondernemen tegen micro-agressies. Ondersteun diversiteit en gelijkheid in je organisatie, begrijp de voordelen van werken in een divers team en ontwikkel conflicthanteringsvaardigheden.

Deel 5: Relaties en Conflictmanagement

Deze training behandelt essentiƫle onderwerpen voor effectieve omgang met werkplekdynamiek. Leer over organisatiebeleid, richtlijnen en eerlijke praktijken bij overtredingen. Navigeer interacties met vakbonden, beheer conflicten en bouw positieve menselijke relaties op. Ontdek strategieƫn voor conflictbeheersing, communicatietechnieken en teamleiderschap.

Inhoud van de training

Human Resources Consultant - Deel 1 Human Resources

10 uur

Professional in Human Resources: Business Environment

Many great ideas turn into successful businesses, but first the idea must be developed. Discover the considerations that are made regarding the external environment in order to create thriving businesses. In addition, discover the tools used to measure effectiveness. This course can be used in preparation for the HR Certification Institute(r) (HRCI(r)) PHR(r) certification exam.

Professional in Human Resources: Business Planning

Not many HR professionals have the opportunity to build a business from the ground up or restructure the company for efficiencies. Whether or not that challenge comes along, it is beneficial to have the knowledge of designing and reshaping the organization to meet business goals and objectives. Explore the various options and how to optimize the different characteristics that make each business unique. Discover the choices available to constructing dynamic organizations to yield top results. This course can be used in preparation for the HR Certification Institute(r) (HRCI(r)) PHR(r) certification exam.

Professional in Human Resources: HR Organization

What is human resources - people or function? In defining this nucleus, you'll explore both - what it means to the company, its function, roles, responsibilities, and essential measurements. You'll learn how HR can be effective for the organization while providing value to its stakeholders. This course can be used in preparation for the HR Certification Institute(r) (HRCI(r)) PHR(r) certification exam.

Professional in Human Resources: HR Tools and Processes

Every profession has its bag of tricks, and HR is no different - HR borrows from everyone else! In this course, you'll learn about some of the essential tools and processes to help become a trusted partner and adviser. This course can be used in preparation for the HR Certification Institute(r) (HRCI(r)) PHR(r) certification exam.

Professional in Human Resources: Organizational Risk

Not only is HR concerned about the wellbeing of employees, but it's also about security and access issues to property and data. In this course, you'll learn about the various types of organizational risks that keep HR on their toes, and you'll explore the risks and mitigation actions that HR can leverage.

Human Resources Consultant - Deel 2 Werving & Selectie

9 uur

Conducting an Effective Hiring Interview

The process of interviewing candidates to fill a role can be daunting. How do you know who to recruit? An effective interview is key to hiring the interviewee who best fits the job description. Certain steps must be taken to ensure the interviewer handles the interview well. In this course, you'll learn how to prepare, conduct, and assess an interview to hire the right person for the right role.

Hitting the Recruitment Bull's-eye

One of the most significant challenges facing organizations is hiring qualified employees. The talent acquisition process has changed significantly in recent years due to changes in labor-market conditions, as well as advances in technology. In this course, you'll learn how to attract the talent needed to meet your organization's needs, and the recruiting techniques to use to make this happen. You'll learn how to consider the needs of the organization as well as the needs of the potential employees. You'll explore how to appeal to recruits by tapping into what is important to them in a job. The course also prepares you to establish and implement a recruitment and talent management strategy.

Applicant Screening: The First Step in Hiring the Best

Talent management starts with hiring the right person for the job. Applicant screening takes a lot of work, and much of this work is done prior to the actual interview. This course covers how to create a job description, which will help you evaluate an applicant's resumƩ effectively. You'll learn key techniques for screening resumƩs based on job requirements, as well as how to identify red flag issues in resumƩs and how to approach them. These techniques will help you recruit, and hire, the best people.

Ensuring Onboarding Success

Talent management means hiring the right person for the job and successfully onboarding the new recruit. A good job description can aid in effective applicant and resumƩ screening before the interview. An effective onboarding program can increase new employee acclimation and productivity, as well as greatly decreasing employee turnover. Managers are key to ensuring the success of new employee onboarding programs. This course provides managers with an insight into their unique role and outlines the benefits they reap from properly onboarding new hires. It also covers the key elements of an effective onboarding program and explains how onboarding is different from traditional orientation.

Professional in Human Resources: Talent Planning

As the economic pendulum swings, top talent comes and goes and the replacement effort starts over, or can even shift. In this course, you'll learn how HR can aid in assessing the workforce and helping to find top talent with the right tools in place. You'll examine talent planning, forecasting, flexible staffing, structural workforce change, business restructuring, and transition techniques. This course can be used in preparation for the HR Certification Institute(r) (HRCI(r)) PHR(r) certification exam.

Professional in Human Resources: Recruiting

Short-term hires are costly, so HR wants to yield the highest ROI by ensuring a good fit for both employer and employee. In this course, you'll explore the life cycle of landing the right candidates. You'll also learn why it's important to gain a solid foundation of the laws and current trends, which will all help you become more effective at recruiting. This course can be used in preparation for the HR Certification Institute(r) (HRCI(r)) PHR(r) certification exam.

Professional in Human Resources: Compensation

It's not all about the moneyā€¦or is it? In this course, you'll explore the different types of compensation and how to determine how much an individual is paid and by what type of compensation based on the type of work being done. Though HR is not responsible for payroll, they are usually the first line of response, so understanding how payroll works and verifying calculations will be important.

Human Resources Consultant - Deel 3 Onboarding, Betrokkenheid en Talentmanagement

4 uur

Ensuring Onboarding Success

Talent management means hiring the right person for the job and successfully onboarding the new recruit. A good job description can aid in effective applicant and resumƩ screening before the interview. An effective onboarding program can increase new employee acclimation and productivity, as well as greatly decreasing employee turnover. Managers are key to ensuring the success of new employee onboarding programs. This course provides managers with an insight into their unique role and outlines the benefits they reap from properly onboarding new hires. It also covers the key elements of an effective onboarding program and explains how onboarding is different from traditional orientation.

Positive Atmosphere: Establishing an Engaged Workforce

An engaged workforce creates a positive work environment that boosts productivity, encourages creativity, and helps you engage and retain talented employees. This in turn will make your organization more profitable and innovative, and will strengthen your employees' work ethic. In this course, you'll learn about the benefits of engaging your workforce and of establishing a positive work culture. You'll learn how to recognize common qualities of engaged employees, understand what drives employee motivation, and recognize commitment challenges. You'll also learn how employee engagement links to the bottom line by reducing turnover.

Professional in Human Resources: Talent Planning

As the economic pendulum swings, top talent comes and goes and the replacement effort starts over, or can even shift. In this course, you'll learn how HR can aid in assessing the workforce and helping to find top talent with the right tools in place. You'll examine talent planning, forecasting, flexible staffing, structural workforce change, business restructuring, and transition techniques. This course can be used in preparation for the HR Certification Institute(r) (HRCI(r)) PHR(r) certification exam.

Professional in Human Resources: Learning

HR certification is the preparation for being a lifelong learner, and is the start of many more trainings HR will take - and perhaps give. Regardless of which training, understanding the mechanics and how people will receive them are equally important. In this course, you'll explore the different methodologies, embrace the process, and understand HR's role in helping to develop people.

Human Resources Consultant - Deel 4 Diversiteit & Inclusie

5 uur

Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Action

A diverse and inclusive workforce is a business and human imperative. Regardless of your role or the size of your organization, everyone can play an active role in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Future business growth and success depend upon embracing inclusion and eliminating bias and discrimination in the workplace. However, for many organizations, building cultural and business practices that embrace workplace diversity can still feel elusive. Besides hiring diverse talent, what more can we do? This course is your guide to defining diversity, equity, and inclusion and advancing meaningful and impactful diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in your workplace. In this course, you'll learn to recognize key characteristics of DEI and practices for building and sustaining a healthy DEI culture. You'll also learn to identify behaviors that signal a breakdown in achieving an inclusive culture, key elements that enable diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging to take root, and the steps for demonstrating agility and resilience in your DEI journey.

Moving from Bias to Inclusion in a DEI Journey

An increased focus on the importance of DEI in the workplace has shed light on the fact that everyone has bias. Though it's rooted in human nature, it's important to understand what implicit bias is in order to develop the thoughtful inclusion mindset. In this course, you'll learn about the different kinds of implicit bias and how to recognize them in action. You'll also learn about the importance of committing to thoughtful inclusion in the workplace.

Recognizing and Addressing Micro-behaviors in the Workplace

Micro-behaviors are a macro problem. Dr. Alvin Poussaint described the cumulative impact of micro-aggressions as "death by a thousand nicks." Subtle acts of exclusion - often unconscious - left unchecked will take a toll on your employees. These subtle forms of bias and discrimination often leave people frustrated and lead to decreased productivity. In this course, you'll learn to recognize the characteristics of the different types of micro-behaviors and how to decode the messages they send. You'll also learn to identify when and how to take action to address micro-aggressions, and how to use micro-inclusions as an antidote to micro-aggressions.

Adopting an Inclusion Mindset at Work

It's not just individuals who face unconscious biases in the workplace; teams and organizations can also operate with shared institutionalized biases. Ensuring a diverse workplace requires actively participating in and advocating for DEI supports. In this course, you'll learn about the power of inclusion and how to support DEI at work. You'll also learn the basics of inclusive recruitment and hiring, and what it looks like when a company supports inclusion from onboarding through to retirement.

Becoming a DEI Ally and Agent for Change

To understand and appreciate diversity in the workplace, we must develop an understanding of ourselves and the diverse ways in which we view the world. Working in a diverse and inclusive workforce has many personal and professional benefits ranging from improved wellness and personal health to engagement and community and innovation and creativity. Equally important is the ability to leverage each of our unique talents, skills, and contributions. In this course, you'll explore strategies to help you become an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace. You'll learn to build awareness of your values and social perspective and recognize specific actions that can improve social and cultural aspects of DEI. You'll also learn about key concepts of allyship, methods to be a more inclusive communicator, and how to use the RISE model to become a DEI ally.

Facing the Management Challenges of Difficult Behavior and Diverse Teams

As a manager, it can be daunting to find yourself in charge of a diverse group, comprised of different age ranges, backgrounds, and experiences. It's inevitable that you'll encounter difficulties. Effectively handling conflict, whether it's team conflict or difficult employee behavior, is essential to productivity and requires developing conflict management skills. This course covers useful techniques and processes for conflict resolution. You'll learn methods for resolving conflict when dealing with an employee's difficult behavior. You'll also learn ways of effectively managing team conflict and understanding and dealing with conflict in the workplace as a whole.

Human Resources Consultant - Deel 5 Relaties & Conflictmanagement

10 uur

Professional in Human Resources: Employee Relations

Negative behaviors have negative consequences. HR provides managers and employees with the documents to establish organizational policies and guidelines to ensure consistent communication. When violations occur, they should be dealt with fairly across employees groups, following a documented process. Should the need arise for employees to exit the organization, regardless of the reason, courtesy and confidentially are extended. In this course, we'll explore a series of infractions that can escalate from minor to grave and the various actions that are within the realm of HR.

Professional in Human Resources: Labor Relations

Whether a company has a union or not has nothing to do with HR or the company, but it's important to know how to manage effectively with a union. In this course, we'll explore processes when a union interacts with an organization and organizes a campaign, and how to effectively manage with a union contract in effect.

Professional in Human Resources: Organizational Relations

Each week, more time is spent in the workplace than any other location, and employees therefore form relationships with the people they work with. It is incumbent upon HR to create an environment that is conducive to making that healthy for the employees while productive for the organization. Understanding human relations skills is not sufficient; the organization needs to embody that spirit as well. In this course, you'll learn how to prepare the organization to be more receptive to building positive human relations.

Confronting Workplace Conflict

Any time two or more people are gathered in one place, conflict will inevitably follow. The workplace is no exception. It's how you manage workplace conflict. There are many valid approaches to managing conflict, but ignoring it is the one guaranteed not to work. Resolving conflict is an important interpersonal skill that, with practice, can diffuse difficult situations at work. In this course, you'll learn some of the major sources of workplace conflict. You'll learn how to recognize your own conflict style and how to work toward conflict resolution. You'll also learn strategies and approaches to conflict management and working with difficult people.

Resolving Workplace Conflict

A conflict-free life is the stuff of dreams. But the world doesn't work that way, and for all of us, workplace conflict is sadly an inevitability. Personality and organizational conflicts arise from myriad different sources and take many different forms. As a result, resolving conflict is a necessary skill, and business professionals need a plan for addressing it and managing conflict situations. In this course, you'll learn to recognize the sources and signs of conflict. You'll also learn conflict management strategies and processes for conflict resolution. Additionally, you'll explore methods for handling difficult people and keeping the process of conflict management on track when difficulties arise.

Handling Team Conflict

Successful teams are characterized by having a clear direction, trust among team members, effective communication, and a clear process for managing team conflict. The survival of a team depends on a leader who can quickly recognize team conflict, diagnose its cause, and implement conflict resolution strategies. In this course, you'll learn about what causes conflict on a team and the important role of healthy communication in handling conflict. You'll discover best practice approaches to dealing with conflict. You'll also explore the tenets of principled negotiation in managing conflict. Finally, you'll learn guidelines for resolving conflict that address one specific type of conflict: lack of trust.


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Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
Human Resources Management
90 dagen online toegang

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Doelgroep Manager

Geen formele vereisten. Ervaring in HR is aangeraden.


Na het voltooien van dit ontwikkelpad beschik je over uitgebreide expertise op het gebied van HR. Je hebt kennis van bedrijfskundige overwegingen, organisatieontwerp, talentacquisitie en -beheer, medewerkerbetrokkenheid, diversiteit, conflictresolutie en teambuilding.

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Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ā€˜Kenmerkenā€™.

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Je kunt onze Learning & Development collegaā€™s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via support@managementskills.nl of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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