Cursus: Six Sigma Yellow Belt - updated
Six Sigma
30 uur
Engels (US)

Cursus: Six Sigma Yellow Belt - updated

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In deze online Six Sigma cursus leer je de eigenschappen van Lean en Six Sigma kennen. Je leert over de Six Sigma methodiek en ook over de verschillende instrumenten die horen bij Lean Six Sigma.

Zo komen de Six Sigma fasen DMAIC (Define – Measure – Analyse – Improve – Control) aan bod en doorloop je de diverse Lean stappen.

Deze training is specifiek gericht op het Yellow Belt niveau. Met deze Six Sigma Yellow Belt training doe je een gedegen basiskennis op met betrekking tot Lean en Six Sigma.

Inhoud van de training

Six Sigma Yellow Belt - updated

30 uur

Six Sigma and Lean: Foundations and Principles

Six Sigma and Lean: Foundations and Principles

Six Sigma: Team Basics, Roles, and Responsibilities

In this course, you will learn about Six Sigma team roles and responsibilities and aspects of communication, as well as tools used for effective communication and decision making.

Six Sigma: Quality Tools

In this course, you will learn about charts and diagrams that

are used by Six Sigma practitioners. The course covers Pareto

charts, flowcharts, run charts, cause and effect diagrams, check

sheets, scatter diagrams, and histograms.

Six Sigma: Metrics

This course covers common performance metrics used in Six Sigma including the defects per unit, defects per million opportunities, the first time yield and rolled through yield, the cost of low quality, and the cycle and takt times.

Identifying Six Sigma Projects

This course covers key considerations for selecting Six Sigma projects and the methodology to apply to the selected project. This course is aligned with ASQ’s 2015 Six Sigma Green Belt Body of Knowledge.

Six Sigma: Project Management Basics

This course examines tools that are used for planning and managing a project, including the work breakdown structure, Gantt chart, activity network diagrams, affinity diagrams, matrix charts, tree diagrams, and tollgate reviews.

Basic Six Sigma Statistics

During the Measure stage of a project using the DMAIC methodology, performance-related data is summarized in a meaningful way using various statistical measures. This course explores basic statistical tools used for measuring performance.

Classifying and Collecting Data

This course covers data types, measurement scales, and data collection methods. This course is aligned to the ASQ Body of Knowledge and is designed to assist Yellow Belt candidates toward achieving their certification.

Six Sigma Measurement System Analysis

This course covers concepts and basic methods for measurement system analysis and GR and R studies. This course is aligned to the ASQ Body of Knowledge and is designed to assist Yellow Belt candidates toward achieving their certification.

Data Analysis and Root Cause Analysis in Six Sigma

This course covers the data analysis and root cause analysis techniques used in Six Sigma projects. This course is aligned to the ASQ Body of Knowledge and is designed to assist Yellow Belt candidates toward achieving their certification.

Lean Tools and FMEA

This course introduces common Lean tools and outlines how to conduct a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), which is a technique used to identify potential failures in a process and assess the risk they pose.

Six Sigma Correlation, Regression, and Hypothesis Testing

This course covers correlation analysis, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. This course is aligned to the ASQ Body of Knowledge and is designed to assist Yellow Belt candidates toward achieving their certification.

Six Sigma Techniques for Improvement

Six Sigma Techniques for Improvement

Six Sigma Control Tools and Documentation

Six Sigma Control Tools and Documentation

TestPrep Six Sigma Yellow Belt (SSYB)

TestPrep Six Sigma Yellow Belt (SSYB)


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
30 uur
Six Sigma
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Projectmanager, Manager, Teamleider

Er is geen specifieke voorkennis vereist.


Je bent bekend met de Six Sigma methodiek op het niveau van Yellow Belt. Je kent principes van de DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) methode. Deze training is afgestemd op de ASQ Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt certificering en is bedoeld om je te helpen in je voorbereiding op het examen.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Hoe gaat het te werk?


Training bestellen

Nadat je de training hebt besteld krijg je bevestiging per e-mail.


Toegang leerplatform

In de e-mail staat een link waarmee je toegang krijgt tot ons leerplatform.


Direct beginnen

Je kunt direct van start. Studeer vanaf nu waar en wanneer jij wilt.


Training afronden

Rond de training succesvol af en ontvang van ons een certificaat!

Veelgestelde vragen

Veelgestelde vragen

Op welke manieren kan ik betalen?

Je kunt bij ons betalen met iDEAL, PayPal, Creditcard, Bancontact en op factuur. Betaal je op factuur, dan kun je met de training starten zodra de betaling binnen is.

Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

Background Frame
Background Frame

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