Training: Agile voor iedereen - Deel 4 Feedback en behoeften van klanten
Management Fundamentals
7 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Agile voor iedereen - Deel 4 Feedback en behoeften van klanten

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Dit is deel 4 van het leerpad Agile voor iedereen. Agile is een projectmanagement- en softwareontwikkelingsbenadering die gericht is op flexibiliteit, samenwerking en klantgerichtheid. Het vervangt traditionele lineaire methoden door een iteratieve aanpak, waarbij het werk wordt opgedeeld in korte, overzichtelijke periodes genaamd 'sprints'. Teams werken nauw samen, evalueren voortdurend en passen zich snel aan veranderende eisen aan. Dit bevordert een snellere levering van waardevolle producten en diensten, waardoor organisaties beter kunnen inspelen op de behoeften van hun klanten en de concurrentie voorblijven.

Dit ontwikkelpad helpt jou bij het ontwikkelen van agile denken en wendbaarheid. In de snel veranderende economie en technologische omgeving is het cruciaal om de nodige flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen te hebben, zodat jij en je organisatie niet achterblijven. Dit vierde deel richt zich op de feedback en behoeften van klanten. In het samenwerken met de klant is het begrijpen en voldoen aan de behoeften van jouw klanten van cruciaal belang. In dit vierde deel leer je hoe je waardevolle feedback van klanten kunt verzamelen, begrijpen en gebruiken om je producten en diensten te verbeteren. Er komen strategieën aan bod die je kunt inzetten om een sterke klantrelatie op te bouwen en concurrentievoordeel te behouden door middel van uitstekende klantenservice.

Inhoud van de training

Agile voor iedereen - Deel 4 Feedback en behoeften van klanten

7 uur

Embracing a Customer-obsessed Mentality

Today in the Age of the Customer, competitive advantage has been redefined. Customers are in control. They have more choices than ever before resulting in sky-high expectations. The only source of competitive advantage is the obsession with understanding, delighting, connecting with and serving customers. Organizations need people who are customer obsessed. People who are so interested and committed to the people they are creating and designing for that they are willing to spend time, take risks and admit that they personally might be wrong. People who are so customer obsessed that they never settle but are continually trying to understand what else they can do for their customers.

Customer Service: Adapting to Your Customers' Cues

The ability to support a customer is keenly enhanced by a greater understanding of the customer's mood, communication style, and knowledge of the product or service in question. From the first moments of interaction, the customer will be giving cues in each of these areas. Interaction with customers requires planning, active listening, and a conscious effort to adjust your communication and support approach based on your customer's cues. In this course, you'll learn how to recognize and read customer cues, and how to use them to adapt your support strategy to each individual customer. You'll also explore how to overcome common pitfalls customer service agents face in assessing their customer's cues. This course was developed with subject matter provided by NueBridge ( which has extensive expertise in customer experience and management across multiple industries around the world.

Customer Service: Interpreting Customers' Service Priorities

CSRs who can identify their customers' priorities are able to make the best decisions on how to serve the customer. A customer's priorities may be both explicit (stated clearly or obvious) and implicit (unsaid or unexpected). Understanding the scope and interdependence of these priorities allows you to better address each customer's implicit needs and help you deliver a higher level of service. In this course, you'll learn to distinguish customer priorities as either explicit or implicit, and to describe how speed influences customer perception. You'll also learn strategies to decrease the amount of effort the customer has to expend in getting issues resolved, methods to demonstrate your presence for customers in service interactions, and strategies to help you balance priorities during a customer service interaction. This course was developed with subject matter provided by NueBridge ( which has extensive expertise in customer experience and management across multiple industries around the world.

Customer Service: Discovering Customer Needs

Customer needs lie at the heart of every service interaction. In order to fully support the customer, we must be able to identify both their stated and unstated needs. Customer support professionals use a combination of skills to analyze beyond the stated requirements to uncover the full spectrum of customer needs. In this course, you'll learn the service advantages of being able to identify your customers' needs. You'll learn best practices for discerning both stated and unstated needs in a service interaction and how to avoid problems and pitfalls in needs exploration. You'll also learn techniques to help you exceed your customers' needs and you'll explore scenarios that put these practices into action. This course was developed with subject matter provided by NueBridge ( which has extensive expertise in customer experience and management across multiple industries around the world.

Customer Service: Fostering a Service Mindset

Success is both an outcome and a mindset. Professionals who wish to provide a truly exceptional level of customer service approach each interaction with the right mindset and attitude. Without understanding how mindset impacts service ability, you compromise your potential and that of the organization, which ultimately results in a poor customer service experience. Focusing on your service mindset and attitude will ensure your professional values will manifest in each service interaction. In this course, you'll learn how moving to a different mindset can help you deliver outstanding customer service, and what key practices can help establish a good personal mindset for any service situation. You'll also learn to recognize how professional values manifest during customer service interactions, how to develop an attitude of a customer service professional, and what strategies demonstrate a customer-centric service mindset. This course was developed with subject matter provided by NueBridge ( which has extensive expertise in customer experience and management across multiple industries around the world.

Customer Service: Engaging with Customers

Customer service is customer engagement. And as a customer service representative, you don't often get to see happy, smiling customers, excited by their new service, new device, new outfit, or new opportunity. You get to see them when the new thing isn't working. Or isn't the right color. Or may not be billed correctly. And then you get to try to make them happy again. In this course, you'll learn proven techniques customer service professionals can use to boost their self-confidence, better engage with their customers, and demonstrate flexibility and efficiency in the problem-solving process. This course was developed with subject matter provided by NueBridge ( which has extensive expertise in customer experience and management across multiple industries around the world.

Customer Service: Generating Effective Solutions

Customer service is all about finding the right solution for every client. CSRs who can quickly determine the underlying causes and issues associated with a customer's problem are more likely to generate fast and effective solutions. In this course, you'll examine proven techniques to find the root cause of a problem, align a right-fit solution, and deliver a final resolution. You'll recognize how to arm yourself with the information you need before and during an interaction, and learn the solution steps in a process-based approach to customer service. You'll also learn approaches for addressing common obstacles encountered during customer service interactions, indications when a call should be escalated to a higher tier of service, and explore strategies to take customer service solutions to the next level. This course was developed with subject matter provided by NueBridge ( which has extensive expertise in customer experience and management across multiple industries around the world.

Exploring Customer Journey Mapping

To understand the different feelings and cognitive processes a customer undergoes when dealing with your organization, you need a tool that can document every step of their experience. Customer journey mapping is one such tool, and is essential in helping you understand customer needs and define problems highlighted by their experiences. In this course, you'll discover how to create a customer journey map, a customer-centric problem solving tool that can enable you to brainstorm effective solutions to key customer pain points. You'll also explore how to recognize and prioritize specific actions to improve your customer focus while avoiding common mapping mistakes.

Achieving Customer-centric Design with User Personas

Your organization depends on its ability to win every customer interaction. User personas - detailed descriptions of archetypal end users - are the gateway to designing customer-centric products and experiences that address customer needs. Building user personas will help you develop products and services your customers truly want. In this course, you'll learn the essential elements of user personas and the business information to be gained from them. You'll also learn how to build a user persona, which data to include in a persona, and the qualities of an effective persona. And you'll discover what customer-centric design can tell you about your customer, and how it will benefit your business.

Shaping the Customer Experience Across Digital and Physical Channels

Today's customer is a new breed, often a digital native who spends much of their time online in the digital world. They have different priorities and expectations than generations of customers past. In this course, you will learn about meeting the needs and expectations of today's digital customers, including omnichannel and utilizing algorithm-savvy design. You'll also learn about wayfinding: ways to shape and influence their customer journey, as well as methods to individualize their customer experience (CX) through methods like digital body language. Finally, you'll learn about protecting and partnering in their data privacy and security.

Summary: The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Products and Rapid Customer Feedback

In The Lean Product Playbook, author Dan Olsen examines core Lean concepts and shows you how to apply them to relevant, real-life scenarios. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.

Fanocracy: Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans

This audio edition is a bold guide to converting customer passion into marketing power. Read by the authors.


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Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
7 uur
Management Fundamentals
365 dagen online toegang

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Doelgroep Manager, Teamleider

Het is aan te raden dat je al enige ervaring hebt in het werken in projecten. Je hebt deel 1, 2 en 3 van dit leerpad afgerond.


Na het volgen van deze training heb je kennis opgedaan over:

  • De signalen die jouw klant afgeeft en hoe jij daar op in kunt spelen.
  • Veelvoorkomende valkuilen in het contact met klanten en hoe jij dit kunt voorkomen.
  • Hoe jij uitgesproken en onuitgesproken behoeften van de klant kunt identificeren.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

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Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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